Myth #4: Achieving Higher Levels of Consciousness requires you to give up normal life, and maybe even go to the extreme of living like a monk

Every day, all around the world, ordinary people transition to higher levels of consciousness. Despite this, for some reason it’s still common for to believe that the opposite is the case. They seem caught in the archaic dogma that the only way to achieve inner peace is to forego some, or even all, of the comforts of the modern world, even meaningful relationships.

As you might imagine, giving up everything you hold dear and spending years on a park bench blissing out is a lot to sacrifice, even for inner deep and lasting peace. And, there has been no indication in the scientific research that this matters at all. People seem as likely to reach higher levels of consciousness by going that route, as staying in the routine of their current life.

You’ve no doubt also heard advice about avoiding things like eating meat or sex or money and so on as being important keys to transitioning to higher levels of consciousness. Science has found absolutely no evidence that things like this provide an advantage.

On the contrary, research has revealed that people all around the world, at all ages and walks of life, with all kinds of different families and jobs, experience higher levels of consciousness. Perhaps some of these types of things were true at one time, or in a certain cultural context, however the research clearly shows that the notion that you have to sacrifice all of the progress of modern society to reach or sustain higher levels of consciousness is obsolete, if it was ever true at all.

Today, instead of helping more people wake up this type of dogma is actually doing the exact opposite. It’s a huge turnoff. The reality is that the average person is not going to adopt a sexless, broke, vegetarian lifestyle in hopes of transitioning to higher levels of consciousness. It just increases the amount of resistance people feel towards reaching higher levels of consciousness, for no good reason. 

Don’t let that happen to you. Oh, and here’s a little hint…it doesn’t even matter how you sit when you meditate. In fact, feel free to lie down. Plenty of people transition while flat on their back!

There’s actually an even bigger barrier that these types of things cause, which will be covered in the Myth #5.