Myth #6: Transitioning to Higher Levels of Consciousness takes a long time and involves torturous practices

If you’ve been interested in higher levels of consciousness for any length of time, you’ve no doubt noticed that most seekers don’t expect to reach higher levels of consciousness any time soon. It’s most often spoken about in terms of years, decades, and even lifetimes!

Regardless of what you’ve heard or may believe about this, the truth is that you can experience a shift to persistent inner peace moments from now, if you have the right technique. One of the leading projects in the area has a protocol where research participants have done just that. Literally about 1% of the people who use one of their research-derived protocols transition on the very first day, with the very first method they try. When this first started happening they couldn’t believe it, but 7 years in they now just expect about 1 out of every 100 people to have this happen. And, about 3% transition within the first few days.

If that sounds impossible to you, or you just think that you could never have that kind of luck, we have even better news.

Research has taught us that when you find the method that works for you, it shouldn’t take you more than a week or two of using it to transition to higher levels of consciousness. A WEEK! That’s literally all it takes. Not lifetimes, not decades, not years, not even months.

There have been areas in the world where this was well known and the local practices were in sync with the population. Here’s an example. While conducting research at a famous Buddhist monastery in Burma a researcher in this space happened upon some very old nuns. 

They told her that when they were young, people would come to the monastery and transition in about a week. In fact, if they headed into their second week without a transition, they received special attention. 

And, if they were there after 4 weeks, the nuns assumed they were hiding out from the authorities and called the army to come and get them! Their methods were literally so reliable that it was inconceivable that someone could spend a month doing them and not transition.

Fast forward to today, and the success rate of that monastery is very low. Now, people stay for months and don’t transition. So, what happened? 

According to the nuns, the effectiveness seemed to go down with each new form of mass media that was introduced. Movies, then radio, then television, then the internet all came and with each there was a drop in the effectiveness of their methods. The nuns assume that it has to do with how these all changed the people who consumed them, and I tend to agree with them because each of these is well known in psychology and neuroscience to change things like people attentional system in various ways.

When the nuns first showed up, they had a method that had worked for generations on a population that was largely homogeneous and unchanging. Simply put, the method matched the people who were using it. Over time, as the people and culture changed, the methods no longer matched, and they became less and less effective.

Research data very clearly shows that it’s a matching game. You simply need to find the method that is matched to you, and use it. If you do that for at least one hour per day, for a week or so, the odds are greatly in your favor that you’ll transition.

People wonder all the time what the “Key” is that has made scientific protocols so effective at transitioning people. How is it that so many research participants who were ardent spiritual practitioners for years, have experienced more results in a few days or weeks with scientific-based protocols than years or decades of other approaches? This is it. This is all there is to it.

Scientists have managed to research their way to the best methods available, look at them in the light of modern science and make key tweaks to them to make them more in-line with and effective for the modern brain, and put them into very precisely sequenced series of steps that help people to systematically try them out. That’s it. Absolutely nothing magical, just scientific deduction and empirical testing and refinement.

For one of the leading protocols out there, about 3% of people transition on the very first method and they transition in the first few days. Incidentally, the best methods in the world transition between 1% and 3% of people who use them – which is why almost no one who practices a single system or method transitions to higher levels of consciousness. 

Others participants using that same protocol will do it in the next few days, others a week later, and so on. As new methods are systematically introduced, people match up to them, and as they do they transition. It really is that simple. 

It’s a proven formula that you can use to do the same. All you have to do is give a method a week, and if it doesn’t look like you’re making progress – try a different one. Following this pattern will lead to much more success in reaching higher levels of consciousness than you’ve probably even imagined is possible up to this point in your life ,which takes us to Myth #7…what exactly should you looking for anyway?