Summary of the 5 Keys to Reaching Higher Levels of Consciousness

There was an enormous amount of content here, so let’s take a moment to bring it all together. We looked that the key findings from the most significant long-term, large-scale, global scientific research project on higher levels of consciousness, as it relates to best practices for transitioning. We covered all of the key background information you need to know, including that:

  1. Not all methods are created equal. Some are better than others, and you definitely want to use the best ones that you can to give yourself the best opportunity for maximizing the benefits you get from your efforts.
  2. That just knowing some, or even many, of the best methods isn’t enough. You have to find the ones that work best for you, right now. Remember that methods are created by people, and you’re a person! So, you can feel comfortable that it’s okay to modify any of them, combine them with others, and so on so to try to get them to be maximally effective for you.
  3. We talked about the fact that methods that work well for you now will most likely stop working at some point. At first, they are in sync with you which is what allows them to work. Then, they change you and are no longer in matched up to the “new you.” At that point, you need to find a new one that fits who you are now.
  4. We also talked about how methods can stop working for a bit, but not be totally out of sync with you, and how to figure out whether or not that has happened. And, we discussed that you need to move on when a method stops working for you.
  5. We talked about how to best manage your meditation practice to avoid negative experiences by using practices from positive psychology, and the benefits of being in higher levels of wellbeing if your goal is to transition to higher levels of consciousness.
  6. Finally we covered the most important Key of all, one that virtually no one else ever seems to mention — the critical importance of sinking in. We discussed how the only reason we meditate or use other practices in the first place is to get glimpses of experience that relate to higher levels of consciousness, so that we can sink into them and communicate to the brain that we want that to be our new normal.

What you have here is without a doubt the most comprehensive and effective model for transitioning to higher levels of consciousness. 

It is research driven, and grounded in the world’s largest scientific project of its kind. Literally millions of dollars of resources and nearly 20 years of work have gone into creating, testing, and refining it. 

Although we’ve distilled it down to a simple series of steps, there’s nothing else like it — and nothing else that comes even close to its effectiveness. 

All you have to do now is start using it!